Our hazelnut kernels

We planted our first hazelnut trees in December 2005. This was the starting signal for our first organic hazelnut plantation. We currently produce our own organic hazelnuts on over 15 hectares with around 9000 hazelnut trees. In the future, we plan to gradually expand our own cultivation. Our varieties are mainly Hallschen Riesen, Corabel and Katalonski.

In order to meet our customers' increasing demand for regional organic hazelnuts from Germany, we also source hazelnuts from  Erzeugerorganisation deutscher Haselnussanbauer u.G. Haselnüsse aus Bayern.

In addition to German hazelnuts, we can also offer you excellent hazelnuts from Croatia and France.

The hazelnuts from Croatia, more precisely from the region of Slavonia, which is located in the east of Croatia, are predominantly the Istrian variety. The Istrian hazelnut has an elongated shape. The hazelnuts there come from around 50 small, family-run farms that cultivate around 3-5 hectares of hazelnuts. Here we obtain both organic and conventional hazelnuts.

Our French hazelnuts come from the Lot-et-Garonne region in France and are among the best quality hazelnuts. These are the Ennis, Corabel and Fertile De Coutard varieties.

As the hazelnuts have already been cracked, the hazelnut kernels can be enjoyed immediately and processed further.


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